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Save energy By using Awnings

As you develop energy conservation please consider fabric awnings as a part of the solution. Protecting you and your home from climate change requires your investment through making homes, commercial buildings and businesses more energy efficient.

Saving energy

While shade is a cooling technology as old as mankind, shading a home with awnings can:

  • Save substantially on cooling energy by reducing direct solar gain through windows, directly reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduce peak electricity demand and mechanical equipment costs
  • Contribute to downsized mechanical cooling systems, and potentially reduced maintenance costs” (PAMA)

”As communities adopt awning use, experts recognize the potential for reductions in peak demand and overall stress on the power grid.” As stated in the report, “Awnings in Residential Buildings: The Impact on Energy Use and Peak Demand” (PAMA)

Save Energy, reduce heat, extend your living space with AWNINGS.

Ask your Architect to design your awnings before you build your home.

Contact:  Caribbean Awning Production Company Ltd for more information.

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